+-------------------------------+ +MONOLITH BLOOD USB EDITION V0.5+ +-------------------------------+ This USB edition contains all you need, dear modder or map builder. You can edit and browse maps, create new weapons/monsters and just playing Blood in clear DOS directly from USB device. Also this USB contains DosBox 0.74 if you want run Blood in Windows systems. ========================= REQUIMENTS ========================= 1. Motherboard that supported boot from USB if you want boot from clean DOS. 2. USB disk with 300 MB minimum free space. 3. You should format your disk in FAT\FAT32 filesystems. ========================= INSTALLATION ========================= ------------------------- HOW TO MAKE BOOTABLE BLOOD USB ------------------------- 1. Start HPUSBFW.EXE. 2. Select your USB drive in list. 3. Select FAT or FAT32 filesystem. 4. Check "Create a DOS startup disk" and select folder "boot". 6. Copy all files from "usb_blood" folder to root of your USB drive when formatting is finished. 7. Copy all your blood game files in game\ouwb dir. ========================= USB CONTENT ========================= ------------------------ Boot: ------------------------ 1. MS-DOS 6.22 2. Volcov Commander ------------------------ Top 5 Addons: ------------------------ 1. Rage Against The Machine 2. Legends of Iconoclast: Scourge of Humanity 3. Cryptic Passage (if you install Blood) 4. Death Wish 1.3 5. Bloody Pulp Fiction 1.3 ------------------------- Tools for editing Blood: ------------------------- 1. MAPEDIT 2. ARTEDIT 3. EDITART 4. QAVEDIT 5. SEQEDIT 6. BARF 7. MAP BROWSER BY BME ------------------------- Documents: ------------------------- ------------------------- 3-rd party: ------------------------- 1. DosBox 0.74 (custom build with CD-Audio fix). 2. Monolith Blood Icons Set 1.0 3. SMARTDRV. 4. Mouse drivers. 5. Some memory extenders. ========================= USING VOLCOV COMMANDER ========================= If you don't want put commands in command line everytime, you can use Volcov Commander as shell - it contains all programs in menu (key F2). You can delete/modify or add your own programs by adding lines in MNU files placed in shell folder. By default this shell loads automatically when you boot from USB but you can off this option by editing AUTOEXEC.BAT in root directory. !IMPORTANT: This version does not contains additional features. Just file manager, internal viewer and editor. ========================= USING DOSBOX ========================= If you want run this USB in Windows systems, use StartDosBox.exe in root directory. By default DosBox loads Volcov Commander but you can change this by editing dosbox.conf. DosBox placed in misc\system\dosbox directory so you can run it manually. ========================= KNOWN BUGS ========================= * - Sometimes mouse driver not load correctly for some users. Use menu (f2 key) and press S to install drivers or go to misc\system folder and run mouse.exe /p2 or gmouse.exe for install other drivers. ========================= RECOMMENDATIONS ========================= * - Disable sound and music if you have Realtek audio chip. * - Do not delete items from game\ouwb\GROUP folder cause it can crash VC menu's. * - It's not recommended using rescript systems cause it can be extremely slow. ========================= Q&A ========================= Q: Why USB is not boot? A: Make sure your moherboard suppors booting from USB devices. Q: Where you keep all game files? A: All files in game\ouwb directory. Q: Why Blood not starts? A: Probably you run it on modern machines with Realtek audio chip. Try disable sound or use safe mode. Or you not copy files froum "usb_blood" dir to root of your USB drive. Q: What is SAFE MODE? A: This is just configuration with video mode 320x200 and disabled sound. It's recommended if you run this USB on modern machines with Realtek sound chip. Q: Can i run soft without menu? A: Yep. Just go to game\ouwb\group folder. You can modify bat files at your risk. These BAT's works only in DOS or DosBox. Q: DosBox included? A: Yep. You can start via link "Start DosBox" in root directory or go to misc\system\dosbox dir and start dosbox.exe manually. Anyway it opens same VC shell, so you need edit dosbox.conf or use another conf file with switch -conf . Q: Icons...? A: Monolith Blood Icons Set 1.0 in misc\icons folder and packed into DLL file without PNG compression. NoOne aka Diman, 2012 cruo.bloodgame.ru - Blood Repository. baitd.bloodgame.ru - BAITD Series site. baitd.bloodgame.ru/usb - Blood USB place.