Sound ID listing
(Blood 1.21 / OUWB)





MiscellaneousBloodbathBloodbath 2Caleb 3InnocentCTFBEAST

ID (file)name comment
1 AMB1 haunting wind
2 AMB2 deep humming
3 AMB3 underwater music
4 AMB4 ominous cello
5 AMB5 pinging sound
6 AMB6 crickets
7 AMB7 chaotic glassy sound
8 AMB8 pulsing machinery
9 AMB9 feedbacking hypnotic sound
10 AMB10 flock of chirping birds
11 AMB11 persistent cricket
12 AMB12 running water
13 AMB13 streaming water
14 AMB14 waves
15 AMB15 underwater motor
16 AMB16 wind of approaching storm
17 AMB17 wind rush (steady)
18 AMB18 wind rush (variation)
19 AMB19 flock of water birds
20 AMB20 noise with a pulsating high pitch
21 AMB21 harbour sounds 1 (short)
22 AMB22 harbour sounds 2 (long)
23 ===empty===  
24 AMB24 pounding on metal
25 AMB25 fluorescent hum
26 AMB26 electric hum
27 RAIN2 rain
28 QBUZZ1 electric arc
29 QCOMP2 eerie ambience
30 DRIPS cave water drips
31 AMB9 heavy hypnotic sound
32 FIRE torch fire
33 QHUM1 slight wind
34 QSUCK1 sucking wind
35 2NIGHT crickets at night
36 QSWAMP2 swamp at night
37 QWATER1 streaming water with bubbles
38 QWIND2 rumbling wind
39 QWINDFLY howling wind
40 WATERLAP peddling through stream
41 WATER2 running water
42 UNDRWATR diving
43 CHAIN1 quite chain rattle
44 CHAIN2 louder chain rattle
46 CHAIN4 faint rattling chain
47 CHAIN5 chain rattle
48 ERIEDRNE deep eerie drone
49 SWAMP loud swamp at night
50 TORCH blowtorch
52 MTLDRN muffled underwater drone
54 HOWLING howling wind
56 GRGLNG swimming underwater
57 DRONE alien drone
58 1WIND grinding wind
59 CHANT low voice chanting
60 HRTBT heart beat
61 TRAIN1 train moving
62 CHAIN6 rattling chain
63 CHANT <same as 59>
64 ELCLOOP1 tesla arcing
65 MUZAK22 mall musak
66 ERTHLOOP rumble with low pitched hiss
67 FANLUP2 fan spinning
ID (file)name comment
100 DORCREAK door opening, squeaky with reverb
101 DOOROPEN door opening, squeaky doorhandle
102 RUSTDOOR very squeaky door
103 DOORSLID sliding door
104 GEARSTRT gear starting
105 ELEVMOV elevator moving
106 SLABMOV stone slab moving
108 ===empty===  
109 ===empty===  
110 QDOORMV1  
111 QHYDRO1  
113 QPLAT1  
115 TRAIN1 train loop
116 QWINCH2  
117 CREAKSML lightly squeaky door
118 CREAKROT rotating slab
119 CREAKSLD creaking slide door
120 SLIDOOR1 sliding door 1
121 SLIDOOR2 sliding door 2
122 FLSHDOR1 flesh door 1
123 FLSHDOR2 flesh door 2
124 CRYPTLP crypt loop
150 GEARHALT gear stops
151 ELEVSTOP elevator stops
152 ELEVSTRT elevator starts
153 ELSTOP2 elevator stops 2
154 ===empty===  
155 BASESE2  
156 DDOOR2 door closes
157 DRCLOS4 stone slab stops
158 HYDRO2 hydrolic stop
159 QPLAT2  
160 QSTNDR2  
163 ELSTOP3  
164 HYDRO2 <same as 158>
165 HYDRO3  
166 HYDRO4  
167 ELVSTRT2  
168 SLIDSTP1 slide door stops 1
169 SLIDSTP2 slide door stops 2
170 FLSHSTP1 flesh door stops 1
171 FLSHSTP2 flesh door stops 2
172 FART1  
173 FART2  
174 CRYPTSTP crypt stop
ID (file)name comment
200 BASETRY end level switch sound
201 SWITCH5  
203 QLATCH2  
204 ===empty===  
205 ===empty===  
207 RUNEUSE tiny click
211 SWITCH1  
212 SWITCH2  
213 SWITCH3  
214 RENUTRY2  
ID (file)name comment
218 ICEVIO creaking ice
219 CHANTLP1 chant loop 1
220 CHANTLP2 chant loop 2
221 13CHA "Cha" with echo
222 13CHU "Chu" with echo
223 13DEATH "Death" with echo
224 13KILL "Kill" with echo
225 BUZZ2 buzzing sound
226 SIREN  
227 FLYBY1 airplane flying by
228 FLYBY2 airplane flying by 2
229 MACHGUN1 machinegun firing (short)
230 MACHGUN2 machinegun firing (long)
231 TANK2 tank driving by
232 JEEP1 jeep driving by 1
233 JEEP2 jeep driving by 2
234 SHELL1 shell whining 1
235 SHELL2 shell whining 2
236 BCREAK1 boat creaking 1
237 BCREAK2 boat creaking 2
238 BCREAK3 boat creaking 3
239 BCREAK4 boat creaking 4
240 BRGLOOP boat creaking loop
241 ICEMELO1 ice creaking 1
242 ICEMELO2 ice creaking 2
243 ICEMELO3 ice creaking 3
244 ICEMELLP ice creaking loop
245 CRACK2 ice breaking
246 MOAN4  
247 MOAN3  
248 MOAN2LP  
249 SPARK *ZAP!*
250 ARC1  
251 ARC2  
252 ARC3  
253 SEWAGE blubber sound
254 THUNDER distant rumble
255 THUNDER2 impact 1
256 THUNDER3 impact 2
257 GRANDCK3 grandfather clock
258 GUST1 wind gust 1
259 GUST2 wind gust 2
260 GUST3 wind gust 3
261 GUST4 wind gust 4
262 FLOORCR2 floor creaking
263 BUBRISE bubble rising
264 ===empty===  
265 ERTHRMBL earth rumbling
268 MOANS  
269 LAUGH  
270 BELL  
271 1OWL  
272 2OWL  
274 TRNCRSH2 train crash
275 TRNBREAK train breaks
276 TRNHRN train horn
277 TRAINSTP train stops
278 HUM  
279 RIFF1 organ tune 1
280 RIFF2 organ tune 2
281 RIFF3 organ tune 3
282 TICKET "ticket please"
283 HEYSTOP "Hey stop him, he didn't pay!"
284 PING desk bell
285 FLATLIN1 life support machine pulse beep
286 FLATLIN2 life support machine long beep
287 MOAN2  
288 SCREAM  
289 HELPME  
291 ELECGEN2  
292 TURBGEN2  
293 SMALWOOF bark
297 BUZSLOW2  
298 ELECPOP2  
299 ELECPOP4  
300 GLASHIT2 glass shattering
301 POTTERY2 pottery shattering
302 _MGDIE machine gun dies
303 _EXPLOA napalm explosion (player)
304 _EXPLOA TNT explosion (player & cultist)
305 _EXPLOA  
306 EXP_TNT  
307 EXP_BARL TNT barrel explosion
308 EXP_LRG  
309 EXP_UW1  
310 EXP_UW2  
311 EXP_UW2  
312 SPLNTWOD wood splintering
313 SHATSTON stone shattering
314 RENMETAL metal
315 SHRED1 paper shredding
316 SHRED2 paper shredding
318 PODDIE3  
319 PODDIE3  
320 NAPLMEX2  
ID (file)name comment
351 BDY_BURN  
352 FLESH3  
353 SIZZLE  
355 DRIPWAT4  
356 DRIPWAT5  
357 PUNCH  
358 BOULD3  
359 _TOM  
360 CHAINS  
362 BLDSPRY1  
363 RING telephone ringing
364 SNAKEHIS snakes hissing
365 SNAKEPIT snakes ratteling
366 CASHREG cashregister ping
367 DIALTONE telephone dial tone
368 BUSYSIG telephone busy tone
369 TOILET toilet flushing
370 RECSCRAP record scratching
371 DRIP1  
372 DRIP2  
373 DRIP3  
374 PAILKICK sound for sprite type 415: kickable pail
375 SIZZLE1  
376 SAWRUN sawblade spinning
377 SAWCUT sawblade cutting
378 SAWCOCK1  
379 REAPPEAR items reappear
380 DMSPAWN2 player respawns (deathmatch)
381 BLODSPT2 <distorted, error?>
384 BDYPTIM2  
ID (file)name comment
400 ZIPCLOSE Zippo close
401 ZIPCLOSE Zippo close
402 ZIPLIGHT Zippo lights
410 SAW_COCK sawed-off cock
411 SAW_FIR1 sawed-off fire
412 SAW_FIR2 sawed-off alt fire
413 SAW_LOAD sawed-off loading
420 FLAR_FIR flaregun fire
421 FLAR_FIR flaregun fire
422 FLARAIR2  
423 FLAR_WAT  
430 TOM_COCK tommy gun cock
431 TOM_FIRE tommy gun fire
441 SPRAYFLM spray can fire
450 TNT_FUSE TNT fuse burning
451 TNT_ARM proximity mine arming
452 TNT_PROX proximity mine click
453 TNT_DET TNT detonating
454 TNT_PROX proximity mine click
455 TNT_TOS3 TNT bundle toss
460 DOL_STAB voodoo doll fire
461 CULT2 voodoo doll alt fire
462 DOL_BRN voodoo doll burning
463 DOL_LAFS voodoo doll laughing
470 TESSNGFR tesla cannon fire
471 TESLA3 tesla cannon alt fire
473 SNGAIR2  
474 ALTAIR2  
475 THUNDER2  
476 TESLA1  
477 TALTAC3  
478 TESLAZ~1  
479 TESLAZ~2  
480 NAPALM napalm launcher fire
481 ARC3  
489 BST_MAD  
490 LLSNGFR3  
491 LIFE3  
492 LIFE4  
493 SKULAIR4  
494 LALTFR1  
495 ACIDHIT1  
496 ACIDHIT2  
ID (file)name comment
500 PF_ROCK pitchfork hits rock
501 PF_METAL pitchfork hits metal
502 PF_WOOD pitchfork hits wood
503 PF_FLESH pitchfork hits flesh
504 PF_UW_RK pitchfork hits rock (underwater)
505 PF_UW_MT pitchfork hits metal (underwater)
506 PF_UW_WD pitchfork hits wood (underwater)
507 PF_UW_FL pitchfork hits flesh (underwater)
510 TOM_STON tommy gun bullet hits stone
511 TOM_METL tommy gun bullet hits metal
512 TOM_WOOD tommy gun bullet hits wood
513 TOM_FLSH tommy gun bullet hits flesh
514 TOM_WATR tommy gun bullet hits water
515 RICOCHT1  
516 RICOCHT2  
517 RICOCHT3  
519 TSALTHT3  
520 ELECDAM2  
521 LLSNGHT2  
530 CLAW  
600 LND_STN landing on stone
601 LND_METL landing on metal
602 LND_WOOD landing on wood
603 LND_WTR landing on water
604 LND_WTR landing on water
605 LND_DIRT landing on dirt
607 BDY_FALL body falling
608 MTSHLS tommy gun shells
609 SHTSHL  
610 SHTSHLS4 shotgun shells falling
611 SHTSHLS3 shotgun shells falling
612 SHTSHLS4 shotgun shells falling
ID (file)name comment
700 JUMP  
701 LAND  
702 1065 "ah, it's stuck"
703 1066 "mmm, no power"
704 1063 "locked"
705 1064 "I need a key"
706 BREATHE2 breathing with gasmask on
707 BREATHE1 breathing with gasmask on
708 PL_SWIM1 swimming on surface
709 PL_UW_SW swimming under water
710 1103 hurts
711 1121 dies
712 1104 hurts
713 1105 hurts
714 UNDCHOKE choking
716 1121 dies
717 1122 hurts
718 1123 hurts
719 FALL falls
720 SUBMERG2 into water
721 EMERGE out of water
722 GASP  
723 INHALE  
724 UNDCHOKE choking
725 1100 burning 1
726 1101 burning 2
727 1102 burning 3
728 1103 burning 4
729 1104 burning 5
730 1105 burning 6
731 1106 hit 1
732 1107 hit 2
733 1108 hit 3
734 1109 laughs 1
735 1110 laughs 2
736 1111 laughs 3
737 1112 laughs 4
738 1113 laughs 5
739 1114 laughs 6
740 1115 laughs 7
741 1116 laughs 8
742 1118 on fire 1
743 1119 on fire 2
744 1120 on fire 3
745 BST_FLSH emerging earth zombie
746 CHOKE choking
747 CHOKE2 choking
ID (file)name comment
775 PICKITM3 item
776 DMGETPOW powerup
777 PICKWEPN weapon
778 DMRADIO message
779 PICKARM2 armor
780 PICKHEAL health
781 PICKKEY key
782 PICKAMMO ammo
ID (file)name comment
800 ===empty=== none 1
801 ===empty=== none 2
802 FOOTSTN1 stone 1
803 FOOTSTN2 stone 2
804 FOOTMTL1 metal 1
805 FOOTMTL2 metal 2
806 FOOTWOD1 wood 1
807 FOOTWOD2 wood 2
808 FOOTWTR1 flesh 1
809 FOOTWTR2 flesh 2
810 FOOTWTR1 water 1
811 FOOTWTR2 water 2
812 FOOTDRT1 dirt 1
813 FOOTDRT2 dirt 2
814 FOOTDRT1 clay 1
815 FOOTDRT2 clay 2
816 FOOTGRS1 snow 1
817 FOOTGRS2 snow 2
818 FOOTDRT1 ice 1
819 FOOTDRT2 ice 2
820 FOOTGRS1 leaf 1
821 FOOTGRS2 leaf 2
822 FOOTDRT1 cloth 1
823 FOOTDRT2 cloth 2
824 FOOTGRS1 plant 1
825 FOOTGRS2 plant 2
826 FOOTWTR1 goo 1
827 FOOTWTR2 goo 2
828 FOOTWTR1 lava 1
829 FOOTWTR2 lava 2
ID (file)name comment
1000 TNT_TOSS  
1001 SAW_FIRE3 shotgun fire 1
1002 SAW_FIRE4 shotgun fire 2
1003 2003A "maranax pallex"
1004 2004 "maranax infirmux"
1005 2005 "geroxe cruo"
1006 2001B "crudux cruo"
1007 2001A "vorox esco marana"
1008 2003A "maranax pallex"
1009 2004 "maranax infirmux"
1010 2005Z "geroxe cruo!!!"
1011 2001B "crudux cruo"
1012 2001A "vorox esco marana"
1013 1124 hit 1
1014 1125 hit 2
1015 1126X hit 3
1016 1125X hit 4
1017 1126X hit 5
1018 1121Z dies 1
1019 1122 dies 2
1020 1123 dies 3
1021 2006 "cruo-stragarana malaxos"
1022 2007 "in marana domus-bhaava crunatus"
1023 2008Z "geroxe bibox malax"
1024 2002Z "cruo crunatus durbe"
1031 CULTFIR1 on fire
1032 CULTFIR2 on fire
1033 CULTFIR3 on fire
Axe Zombie
ID (file)name comment
1100 BST_FLSH emerging from ground
1101 AX_SWIPE weilding axe
1102 AX_FOOT landing
1103 AZOMSPOT spots player
1104 AZOMROAM roaming
1105 AZOMMOAN roaming 2
1106 AZOMPAIN got hit (drops to floor)
1107 AZOMDIE1 dies
1108 AZOMDIE2 dies 2
1109 AZOMDIE3 dies 3
Fat Zombie
ID (file)name comment
1200 FZOMSPOT spots player
1201 FZOMROAM roaming
1202 FZOMPAIN got hit
1203 VOMIT vomits
1204 FZOMDIE1 dies
1205 FZOMDIE2 dies 2
1206 FZOMDIE3 dies 3
Hell Hound
ID (file)name comment
1300 CERBROAM roaming
1301 CERSPOT <empty>
1302 CERBPAIN got hit
1303 CERBDIE1 dies
1304 CERBDIE2 dies 2
1305 CERBDIE3 dies 3
1306 HOUNDBIT bites
1307 HOUNDBT2 bites 2
1308 HOUNDBT3 bites 3
ID (file)name comment
1400 GARGSPOT spots player
1401 GARGROAM roaming
1402 GARGPAIN got hit
1403 GARGDIE1 dies
1404 GARGDIE2 dies 2
1405 GARGDIE3 dies 3
1406 GARGCLAW hits with claws
1407 GARGBLST blast
1408 TNT_TOSS throws bone
Stone Gargoyle
ID (file)name comment
1450 SGARSPT1 spots player
1451 SGARROM roaming
1452 SGARPAN got hit
1453 SGARDIE1 dies
1454 SGARDIE2 dies 2
1455 SGARDIE3 dies 3
1456 GARGCLAW hits with claws
1457 GARGBLST blast
1458 TNT_TOSS throws bone
ID (file)name comment
1500 EELSPOT spots player
1501 EELROAM roaming
1502 EELPAIN got hit
1503 EELDIE1 dies
1504 EELDIE2 dies 2
1505 EELDIE3 dies 3
ID (file)name comment
1600 SCREAM spots player
1601 PHANROAM roaming
1602 INHALE got hit
1603 PHANDIE4 dies
1604 SGARDIE1 dies 2
Gill Beast
ID (file)name comment
1700 GILLSPOT spots player
1701 GILLROAM roaming
1702 GILLPAIN got hit
1703 GILLDIE1 dies
1704 GILLDIE2 dies 2
ID (file)name comment
1800 SPIDSPOT spots player
1801 SPIDROAM roaming
1802 SPIDPAIN got hit
1803 SPIDDIE1 dies
1804 SPIDDIE2 dies 2
Mother Spider
ID (file)name comment
1850 MSPIEDIE dies
1851 MSPIPAN1 got hit
1852 MSPIPAN2 got hit 2
1853 MSPISPT1 spits
ID (file)name comment
1900 HANDSPOT spots player
1901 HANDROAM roaming
1902 HANDPAIN got hit
1903 HANDDIE1 dies
1904 HANDDIE2 dies 2
ID (file)name comment
2000 BATSPOT spots player
2001 BATROAM roaming
2002 BATPAIN got hit
2003 BATDIE1 dies
2004 BATDIE2 dies 2
2005 BATDIE3 dies 3
ID (file)name comment
2100 RATSPOT spots player
2101 BATROAM roaming
2102 BATPAIN got hit
2103 BATDIE1 dies
2104 BATDIE2 dies 2
ID (file)name comment
2200 PODHIT hits
2201 PODOPEN opens
2202 *PODSQUISH* <empty>
2203 PODDIE1 dies
2204 PODDIE2 dies 2
2205 PODDIE3 dies 3
ID (file)name comment
2300 CERSPOT2 spots player
2301 CERROAM1 roaming
2302 CERPAIN1 got hit
2303 CERPAIN2 got hit
2304 CERDIE1 dies
2305 CERDIE1 dies
2306 CERDIE1 dies
ID (file)name comment
2350 TBBOW1 "bow down to me"
2351 TBBOW2 "bow down to me"
2352 TBKNEEL1 "kneel!"
2353 TBKNEEL2 "...kneel!"
2354 TBKNEEL3 "kneel before me"
2355 TBKNEEL4 "kneel before me"
2356 TBWAIT1 "i have awaited you"
2357 TBWAIT2 "i have awaited you"
2360 TBLAUGH1 "whooohahahahaha..."
2361 TBLAUGH2 "huhahaha..."
2362 TBLAUGH3 "whahahahaaa!"
2363 TBLAUGH4 "whuhahahahahahaha..."
2364 TBLAUGH5 "ha-ha-ha-ha-ha..."
2365 TBSACRI1 "sacrifice"
2366 TBSACRI2 "sacrifice"
2367 TBSACRI3 "give me a sacrifice"
2368 TBWORSH1 "worship me"
2369 TBWORSH2 "worship me"
2370 TBPAIN1 got hit
2371 TBPAIN2 got hit 2
2372 TBPAIN3 got hit 3
2373 TBPAIN4 got hit 4
2374 TBPAIN5 got hit 5
2375 TBPAIN6 got hit 6
2376 TBPAIN7 got hit 7
2377 TBDIES dies
2378 TCHNEVAP evaporates
ID (file)name comment
2400 FLYBUZZ buzzing
2401 MFLYBUZ2 buzzing 2
ID (file)name comment
2450 FPODCLOS firepod closes
2451 FPODCOL2  
2450 FPODEXP2 firepod explodes
2452 FPODOPEN firepod opens
2453 FPODSPIT firepod spits
ID (file)name comment
2470 PODCLOS pod closes
2471 PODCOL2  
2472 PODEXP2 pod explodes
2473 NPODOPEN pod opens
2474 PODSPIT1 pod spits
2475 PODSPIT2 pod spits 2
ID (file)name comment
2500 TENTDOWN tentacle down
2501 TENTEXP tentacle explodes
2502 TENTSWP4 tentacle sweeps
2503 TENTUP3 tentacle up
ID (file)name comment
3000 1001 "mmm, fresh victims for the ever..."
3001 1002 "this is my boomstick"
3002 1003 "good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun"
3003 1004 "I love the smell of napalm..."
3004 1005 "All I want's a friend"
3005 1006 "No one wants to play with me"
3006 1007 "mmm, is that gasoline I smell?"
3007 1008 "Whooow!"
3008 1009 "Tadah!"
3009 1010 "I live again"
3010 1011 "Who want some huh, who's next?"
3011 1012 "I want some more"
3012 1013 "Victims, aren't we all?"
3013 1014 "They're all dead, they just..."
3014 1015 "I have something for you"
3015 1016 "Are you just gonna stand there and..."
3016 1017 "I've got a present for ya"
3017 1018 "I've got two guns..."
3018 1019 "Hey she-bitch, let's go"
3019 1020 "That'll teach ya"
3020 1021 "Get off my train"
3021 1022 "Whoo shake it baby"
3022 1023 "You have to have faith for that..."
3023 1024 "Open for business"
3024 1025 "They'll need a whole lot more..."
3025 1026 "They'll need a whole lot more..." 2
3026 1027 "Lams to the slaughter"
3027 1028 "Nevermore"
3028 1029 "Grave robbers!"
3029 1030 "Ticket please"
3030 1031 "Yeah, single white female"
3031 1032 "Looks like my train's come in"
3032 1033 "WHOAAH! ...oh, just me"
3033 1034 "I sure could use a drink"
3034 1035 "End of the line"
3035 1036 "I must stop this train!"
3036 1037 "I got time to play with you"
3037 1038 "Come out, come out, wherever you are"
3038 1039 "Son of a bitch must pay!"
3039 1040 "It's all in the reflexes"
3040 1041 "I smell vom in poontang"
3041 1042 "When does the hurting stop?"
3042 1043 "Boo hoo, when does the hurting stop?"
3043 1044 "When does the hurting stop?!"
3044 1045 "Mmm, this looks extraordinarily bad"
3045 1046 "Pay attention son, this is for..."
3046 1047 "Ooh, that wasn't a bit nice"
3047 1048 "Wow, this promises to be fun"
3048 1049 slurp "mmm, this is better than koolaid"
3049 1050 "tha-tha-that, that's all folks!"
3050 1051 "Help, help, I'm being repressed"
3051 1052 "I'm not dead... yet"
3052 1053 "I'm gonna have to put you down"
3053 1054 "Wadda ya gonna do, bleed on me?"
3054 1055 "Mmm, extraordinary use of colour..."
3055 1056 "Don't waste my time"
3056 1057 "Rest in pieces"
3058 1059 slurp "Aaah, better than koolaid"
3059 1060 slurp "Muuuh..."
3060 1061 "Out, out damn spot!"
3061 1062 "I like my hands bloody"
3062 1063 "Locked"
3063 1064 "I need a key"
3064 1065 "Aah it's stuck"
3065 1066 "Mmm, no power"
3066 1067 "Amateurs"
3067 1068 "Uuuh, I'm not that hungry"
3068 1069 "Leftovers"
3069 1070 "Ooh, I won, I won I won I won, I wooon"
3070 1071 "Do these blow up into funny shapes?"
3071 1072 "Mmm, rat burgers"
3072 1073 "I want jojo, I want jojo, jojo, jojo!"
3073 1074 "Down the hatch"
3074 1075 "Over the lips, past the gums..."
3075 1076 "whow, wrong door!"
3076 1077 "Ophelia, noooooooooooo"
3077 1078 "Sleep Ophelia"
3078 1079 "Show yourself"
3079 1080 "Shooow yooourself!"
3080 1081 "I hate mimes"
3081 1082 "Pathetic insects"
3082 1083 "Run, run"
3083 1084 "In pace requiescar fortunato"
3084 1085 "Fool, you are already dead"
ID (file)name comment
3100 1093 "Strangers in the night..."
3101 1094 "There's no business like show business"
3102 1095 "I did it my way"
3103 1097 "If you're blue and you don't know..."
3104 3011 "The sun will come out tomorrow"
3105 3024 "Row, row, row your boat..."
3106 3026 "It's a long way to tipperary"
3107 3030 "Somewhere over the rainbow"
3108 3033 "Sailing over the bounding main"
3109 3034 "I'm the good shep lollypop"
3110 3035 "I get no kick from champagne"
ID (file)name comment
3200 2100 "Hello, may I speak to Mr. Jass..."
3201 2101 "Step right up, step right up!"
3202 3 "You will know what to do when the..."
3203 4 "Two portals lead to certain death..."
3204 2104 "Why are you in such a hurry?"
3205 2105 "Next stop Greentown"
3206 2106 "You rang?"
3207 2107 "One of us, one of us"
3208 2108 "All aboard!"
3209 2109 "One, two, Freddy's coming for you"
3210 2110 "Security breach at the zombie gate!"
3211 2111 "Aah the suffering, the sweet suffering"
3212 2112 "I do that rather well don't you think?"
3213 2113 "Help me, help me!"
3214 2114 "Phantom 666 for greentown..."
ID (file)name comment
3300 1 "Let the bloodbath begin"
3301 2 "The Festival of Blood Continues!"
3302 3 "You will know what to do when the..."
3303 4 "Two portals lead to certain death..."
3304 5 "Kevorkian approves"
3305 6 "Asshole"
3306 7 "Excrement"
3307 8 "Hamburger"
3308 9 "Scrotum seperation"
3309 10 "Body bagged"
3310 12 "Population control"
3311 13 "Unassisted death"
3312 14 "Shadapong"
3313 15 "Finish him!"
3314 16 "Darling award"
3317 17 "Don't play Mario"
3318 18 "Need a tricycle?"
3319 19 "Talented"
3320 20

"Good one"

3321 21 "Lunch meat"
3322 22 "Fine work"
3323 23 "Well done"
3324 24 "Destroyed"
3325 25 "Hosed"
3326 26 "Humiliated"
3327 27 "Toasted"
3328 28 "Fit to hell"
3329 29 "Pass the chili"
3330 30 "Punishment delivered"
3331 31 "Bobbitized"
3332 32 "Stiffed"
3333 33 "He shoots! He scores!"
3334 34 "Spillage"
3335 35 "Sprayed"
3336 36 "Dog meat"
3337 37 "Bye, bye, now"
3338 38 "Ripped 'em loose"
3339 39 "Beaten like a kirk"
3340 40 "Whipped and creamed"
3341 41 "Snuffed"
3342 42 "Spleen bit it"
3343 43 "Vaporized!"
From To comment
4000 4033 same as 1000 to 1033 except:
4023 2008 <empty>
4024 2002 <empty>
Bloodbath 2
ID (file)name comment
4100 BONED "Boned"
4101 CASTRA "Castrated"
4102 CREAMED "Creamed"
4103 DESTRO "Destroyed"
4104 DICED "Diced"
4105 DISEMBO "Disemboweled"
4106 FLATTE "Flattened"
4107 JUSTICE "Justice"
4108 MADNESS "Madness"
4109 DECIMAT "Decimated"
4110 KILLED "Killed"
4111 MINCMEAT "Minced Meat"
4112 MASSACRE "Massacred"
4113 MUTILA "Mutilated"
4114 REAMED "Reamed"
4115 RIPPED "Ripped"
4116 SLAUGHT "Slaughtered"
4117 SLICED "Sliced"
4118 SMASHED "Smashed"
4119 SODOMIZ "Sodomized"
4120 SPLATT "Splattered"
4121 SQUASH "Squashed"
4122 THROTTL "Throttled"
4123 WASTED "Wasted"
From To comment
4124 4300 a smaller selection of sounds from
    Bloodbath 1 and 2 lists
4400 4409 a smaller selection of sounds from
    Caleb 2 list
ID (file)name comment
4500 3000 "They're going to need a bigger boat"
4502 3001B "Whoo! what the hell did that do?"
4503 3002A "Huuh"
4504 3002B "Huuh" 2
4505 3002C "Huuh" 3
4506 3002D "huh!"
4507 3003 "Mmm, elevator's busted"
4509 3004B "I'm gonna paint the town red"
4511 3006 "Hmm, what a wonderful smell I've..."
4512 3007 "Mmmm yummy!"
4513 3008 "Fresh meat"
4514 3009 "Mmmm yummy, fresh meat!"
4515 3010 "I'm here to donate some blood..."
4516 3011 "The sun will come out tomorrow"
4517 3012 *snif* "Aaah, home sweet home"
4518 3013 "Kujo?"
4519 3014 "This is better than koolaid" (low p.)
4520 3015 "Arff!"
4521 3016A "Not for long"
4523 3017 "I bet I can transplant a brain of..."
4525 3018B "Heeeeere's Johnny"
4526 3019 "Ah the suffering, the sweet suffering"
4527 3020 "I have a bad feeling about this"
4528 3021 "Good doggy, play dead"
4530 3022B "Night, night"
4531 3032A "Now kids, don't try this at home hehe"
4533 3024 "Row, row, row your boat..."
4534 3025 "Mirror marks this, asshole"
4535 3026 "It's a long way to tipperary"
4536 3027 "How much is that doggy in the window?"
4537 3028 "Along came a spider and sat down..."
4538 3029 "I know nothing 'bout births and..."
4539 3030 "Somewhere over the rainbow"
4540 3031 <?????>
4541 3032 "Ding dong the bitch is dead"
4542 3033 "Sailing over the bounding main"
4543 3034 "I'm the good shep lollypop"
4544 3035 "I get no kick from champagne"
4545 3036 "He's not looking at you kid"
4546 3037 "Don't play it again Sam"
4547 3038 "Everybody loves somebody some time..."
ID (file)name comment
7000 ICRYING crying
7001 ICRYING2 crying 2
7002 IDONHME "Don't hurt me"
7003 IGOAWAY2 "Go away!"
7004 IGOAWAY3 "Go away!" 2
7005 INOPLACE "There's no place like home"
7006 IPLEASE "Please don't hurt me!!!"
ID (file)name comment
8000 8000 "Red captured the flag"
8001 8001 "Blue captured the flag"
8002 8002 "Red returned the flag
8003 8003 "Blue returned the flag"
8004 8004 "Red flag available"
8005 8005 "Blue flag available"
8006 8006 "Red flag stolen"
ID (file)name comment
9000 BEASTD~1 dies
9001 BEASTD~2 dies 2
9002 BEASTD~3 dies 3
9003 BEASTI~1 idle
9004 BEASTP~1 got hit
9005 BEASTP~2 got hit 2
9006 BEASTP~3 got hit 3
9007 CALEBM~1 caleb turns into beast
9008 CULTMO~1 priest turns into beast
9009 ROAR1 spots player
9010 ROAR2 spots player 2
9011 ROAR3 spots player 3
9012 SLASH1 attacks
9013 SLASH2 attacks 2
9014 SLASH3 attacks 3
9015 STOMP5 stomps floor
9016 STOMP4 stomps floor 2
9017 STOMP3 stomps floor 3
From To comment
10000 11001 a smaller selection of sounds from
    Caleb 2 list



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